Helping People Recreate Their Lives and Reach Their Full Potential

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Meet Doug McCoy – The ReCreation King

Doug McCoy is widely recognized as the ReCreation King, and for good reason. Throughout his life, Doug has faced countless challenges, obstacles, and hardships. But with every problem, he’s found a way not just to overcome, but to grow and thrive. Now, he’s dedicated his life to helping others do the same—by recreating themselves and unlocking their full potential.

Doug believes there are two powerful ways to learn in life:

  • Through personal experience, navigating the ups and downs, and learning lessons the hard way.

  • Through the experiences of others, gaining wisdom without the time, pain, or suffering.

Having endured life’s toughest trials himself, Doug understands the value of both. But his mission is to save you from the struggle, by offering you the insights and strategies you need to face the future with confidence and clarity. He’s here to give you a shortcut through life’s toughest lessons, so you can make smart, informed decisions—without the heartache.

About Douglas McCoy

Doug’s journey toward personal transformation began at the age of 21, when he traveled to England and met Dr. William Tanner—a renowned psychologist and the founder of Tanner Thought Dynamics. Dr. Tanner became Doug’s mentor, teaching him profound principles that would change his life forever. These teachings, particularly the Miracle of PAR(Personal Achievement Realized) and Thought Dynamics, laid the foundation for Doug’s philosophy of life recreation.

Since Dr. Tanner’s passing, Doug has taken it upon himself to carry forward his mentor’s brilliant work. Over the past decade, he has been passionately developing the How Cool Series of Books, which shares practical, life-changing strategies that can help anyone navigate the complexities of life.

Inspired by a Great Mentor
Why Doug McCoy’s Work Matters

Doug’s teachings are not just theories—they’re tried-and-true lessons that have been forged through his own life experiences. He knows what it’s like to face pain, failure, and uncertainty, and he has found the tools to rise above it all. Now, he’s committed to sharing those tools with you.

If you’re ready to recreate your life and take control of your destiny, Doug McCoy is here to guide you. Through his books, coaching, and transformational insights, you’ll discover the path to living the life you’ve always dreamed of—without the detours.

Mauri Chief of New Zealand

One of Douglas McCoy’s most profound honors was being named a Māori Chief, an extraordinary recognition rarely bestowed upon someone with no Māori or New Zealand heritage. In fact, McCoy was only the third person since World War II to receive this prestigious title without Māori blood.

Such was the respect and admiration Doug earned among Māori leaders and communities that they affectionately bestowed upon him the title of "Our Young Genius," a reflection of his exceptional character and contributions.

Connect with Doug McCoy

Reach out to Doug for guidance and support in navigating life's challenges and making smart decisions.


+61 449 971 220
